The easiest way to find out if you have benefits available is to call the benefit number on your insurance card and ask about routine eye exams or wellness exams. This refers to comprehensive eye exams that can help determine your prescriptions and over health of the eye.
At the time of your appointment, please bring your vision insurance card or other proof of vision insurance coverage. Please arrive 15 minutes before your appointment if you are using insurance in order for us to fill out the paperwork in a timely manner, or you can also provide the information over the phone in advance.
It’s easiest to call the number in the back of your insurance card and ask about filing an out-of-network insurance claim. If you select an out-of-network provider, you can expect to pay the full retail price for the services you want at the time of service. Typically, you must submit a request for reimbursement and an itemized copy of all your receipts to your vision insurance company to receive reimbursement. At COE, we will provide you with the proper itemized receipt for you to get your reimbursement for all procedures performed.