Babies and Toddlers Now, Nearsighted Patients Later

Babies and Toddlers Now, Nearsighted Patients Later


This means you’re Nearsighted. What’s nearsighted? It means without any correction, a patient can see better at close distances better than at far distances. If you can’t understand this much, I can’t help you here. Come in and see me.  =)


These two items have changed the world in the last decade. They are great for technology and great inventions to improve communication and business in the world. At the same time, it is that much worse for the human being each and every day. Especially for the little ones that do not know any better than what their parents or guardians give them. So are you allowing your kids to play and use these items as a part of their daily routine or using it as a reward? I would suggest using it as a reward and not as a reason of “keeping them occupied”. If it’s “keeping them occupied”, you’re failing as a parent.


Everywhere we go we see computers and smart phones. Some three year olds own their own iPads! I don’t even have an iPad! Kids are playing with portable game systems and watching movies with the portable dvd players or mini laptops! For once, as an eye doctor, I might be able to encourage parents to have their kids watch tv over using handheld devices. With all these new toys, everyone is keeping their FOCUS POINT for only near tasks. All tasks that are within an arms length. This will play a huge factor down the road when this generation of kids become adults.


First, it’s up to the parents to change the kids daily routine and habits. Encourage getting exercise outside the house. Limit computer and cell phone use. Use those toys as rewards. Frequent eye exams are important to document the amount of change that a patient has. I would suggest every 6 months to a year for kids to young adults. With better documentation, eye doctors can give you options to try to slow down the development of near sightedness. Don’t be lazy and complacent, it’s your kids we’re talking about!